Professor Bo Chen
Professor of Operational Research and Management Science
(ISM-Analytics (ISMA) Group)

Professor Bo Chen has been at the forefront of operational research and management science (ORMS) for over twenty years. He is a specialist in developing successful interfaces between ORMS, economics and computer science.

After gaining his PhD in Operations Research and Econometrics from Erasmus University Rotterdam, in 2012 Bo was awarded a Higher Doctorate, a form of "lifetime achievement award", for original and sustained contribution to scholarship at the very highest international level. He has been conferred the award of Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (FAcSS).

Bo has been a (full) Professor of Operational Research & Management Science at WBS since 2005. He was formerly Senior ESRC Management Research Fellow, Visiting Professor in Management Science & Engineering at Stanford University, USA, and Chair Professor in Mathematical Sciences and Industrial Engineering at Tsinghua University, China.

Research Interests

combinatorial optimization; scheduling and transportation; game theory with mechanism design; mathematical and computational foundations of artificial intelligence