Derivatives University: Investing and Hedging Derivatives

On this programme, there are two one-day modules (Foundation and Masterclass) exploring the properties, uses, and mechanics of the markets on which derivatives are traded. Participants can enrol in either module or both.

Modules are delivered as a blend of lectures and practical workshops and are supported by extensive notes, case studies, Excel workbooks and video tutorials that reinforce some of the concepts and methods covered. 

Module 1 - Foundations: "de-mystifying" derivatives (8th October)

This module is aimed at participants with little or no background or experience with derivatives. We introduce the different classes of derivatives, discuss their properties, uses, and the mechanics of the  markets on which they are traded.  In the process, we de-mystify the "jargon" that comes with the "world" of derivative securities.

Module 2   - Derivatives Master Class (9th October)

While Module 2 in principle builds on the content of Module 1, it is also open to participants who are already familiar with the basic definitions and properties of derivatives. This module goes beyond conceptual understanding and develops the tools required to master the effective use of derivatives. We develop models for pricing derivatives, tools for measuring and managing the risks associated with them, and advanced strategies to use them effectively in investment and risk management. We also look at a range of "exotic" and "structured" products, explore their uses and discuss how to "tweak" the basic models to handle the different exotic features.

Download the programme brochure>>

Who leads the programme?

Alex Stremme is Principal Teaching Fellow in Finance and Assistant Dean  for Finance MSc programmes  at WBS. His research interests include asset pricing (time-varying risk premia); return predictability (dynamic asset allocation); hedge funds (performance evaluation/replication) and executive compensation (bonus schemes/stock options).  He has a PhD in Financial Economics and has provided executive training for a range of clients including Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Banka and Barclays Capital.