Demystifying Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence

How does business plan for this, and how will society cope with the results?

While AI is projected to have a pervasive potential for disruption across most industry and business sectors, it is nevertheless important to distinguish the hype from real expectations for such a technology, particularly for practitioners and professionals within our society. We must heed the cautions expressed by the preeminent minds of our times - never before in the history of humans has there been the availability of hardware and software that will enable humans to contrast ‘intelligent machines’.

What will be the new jobs in this new world and how will these kinds of new technology help to create new jobs? What will be the balance, given that in some manner given that the distribution of work and wealth will change drastically in the next few decades? Pursuing laissez-faire economic policies with minimal intervention on people’s rights and wellbeing may need to be rethought as changes are brought upon the very mechanisms of wealth creation and sharing are integrated, and even controlled, by machine automation. 

Join us for a panel of industry specialists who will introduce their own perspective, and discuss the below points, as well as audience questions:

  • How do we see past the Hollywood myths of the rise of machine intelligence? 
  • What are the key practical terminology and meanings behind concepts of Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, and reasoning?
  • How are industries that are emerging as first impacts in AI seeing its impact in greater insights, new experience and potential?
  • What are the future consequences of this new race in intelligence?