
We partner with organisations and institutions across the globe to provide international study opportunities to students, support talent pipelines, collaborate on research, and share our knowledge to build organisational capability.  


Our faculty recognise the importance of transferring knowledge between academia and policy and practice. Collaborations with non-academic partners are critical to the success and delivery of many funded research studies at WBS. Recent collaborations have included:

  • NatWest Bank - Examining behavioural risk through customer audits 
  • British Sugar - Transforming productivity with artificial intelligence in the sugar industry 
  • The Office for National Statistics - Communication of the uncertainty of statistics 
  • Slicker Recycling - Knowledge partnership transfer 
Talent development

Our specialist Executive Education team partners with businesses and organisations to help develop your people and your organisational capabilities. Co-creation of custom programmes enables us to tailor the content of the programme to your specific needs and ensures that the issues that are being discussed in the classroom setting are relevant to the immediate challenges of your business. Some of our current partners include:

  • National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC)
  • Emirates
  • Twinings Ovaltine
  • Allianz
  • Bank of England
  • NHS
Education - networks and institutions

Our education partnerships enable us to provide student exchange experiences with high quality partner schools, bring together staff and faculty to share best practice, and collectively address issues that impact international business education.

Our current partners include:

  • PIM - Partnership in International Management Network 
  • CABS - The Chartered Association of Business Schools
  • GMAC - Graduate Management Admission Council
  • COBS - Council on Business & Society