My first Masters trip with WBS

08 January 2024

Current MSc Business with Operations Management student Saraschandra offers a test drive experience of his journey to the Triumph Motorcycle Factory.


One of my favourite parts about WBS’ MSc Business with Operations Management course is the exciting opportunities it presents away from the lecture hall.

My first visit was to the Triumph Motorcycle Factory, where me and my enthusiastic cohort enjoyed a day sipping coffee, browsing some beautiful motorcycles, and getting an expert analysis on the company’s history, strategy, and operations.

Fuelling up at the 1902 Café

Our day started with a caffeine fix at the 1902 Café, nestled within the Triumph facility. The ambiance was a blend of vintage charm and modern design, with motorcycle memorabilia adorning the walls. Sipping on our coffees, we couldn't help but feel the palpable history surrounding us, setting the perfect tone for the experience that awaited us.

Image of  the 1902 Café

The café not only served as a pitstop for our taste buds, but also as a mini-museum, showcasing Triumph's journey from its inception in 1902, to the present day. Historical photographs, classic motorcycles, and intriguing artifacts told the story of Triumph's evolution, making us feel like time travellers exploring the roots of a global icon.

Exhibition extravaganza

We then embarked on a journey through the exhibition space, a treasure trove of Triumph's iconic motorcycles. It was a feast for our senses as we wandered through a dazzling array of models, each with its unique character and history.

Image of the Triumph Motorcycle Factory

The exhibition not only celebrated Triumph's success in the racing world but also showcased the company's commitment to innovation and design. From classic models that exuded timeless elegance to cutting-edge prototypes that hinted at the future, the exhibition was a testament to Triumph's ability to blend tradition with a progressive mindset.

Shop Floor Revelation: Crafting Precision and Power

The real excitement kicked in when we stepped onto the shop floor, where the magic truly happened. Our guide led us through the intricate process of motorcycle production, starting with the building of gear shafts. The precision and attention to detail were mind-boggling as we watched skilled technicians transform metal into magnificent motorcycles.

Custom painting was another highlight of the tour. The shop floor buzzed with creativity as artists meticulously applied the iconic Triumph colours to the motorcycles. The combination of automation and artistic flair was a visual treat, showcasing how technology and craftsmanship coexist in the making of a Triumph motorcycle.

Following the assembly process, our next stop was the test ride phase. We could witness the resounding growl of Triumph motorcycles as they underwent rigorous testing to guarantee optimal performance. Technicians, with a keen eye for detail, embarked on a spin around the testing track, reinforcing the notion that each Triumph motorcycle is not merely a machine but a true masterpiece of engineering excellence.

The packing area was the final stop on our shop floor journey. It was fascinating to see how each motorcycle, now a culmination of precision engineering and aesthetic finesse, was carefully packed and prepared for its journey to destinations around the globe. The attention to detail in packaging mirrored the meticulousness that went into the entire production process.

More than machines, they're a legacy

Amidst the whirring of machinery and the scent of fresh paint, the shop floor also housed a display of Triumph's most iconic motorcycles. From the legendary Bonneville to the powerful Rocket 3, each bike told a story of innovation, performance, and style.

Image of the Triumph Motorcycle Factory's most iconic Motorcycles

The Bonneville, with its timeless design, stood as a symbol of Triumph's heritage, while the Tiger series represented the brand's adventure and off-road prowess. The Rocket 3, a behemoth of power and speed, showcased Triumph's commitment to pushing the boundaries of what a motorcycle could achieve.

As students, standing among these iconic motorcycles was a surreal experience. It wasn't just about the machines; it was about understanding the legacy, the engineering feats, and the cultural impact that each bike represented.

A deep dive into Triumph's world

Following the shop floor tour, we were treated to a meticulously crafted presentation that peeled back the layers of Triumph's business operations. Far from being a run-of-the-mill lecture; it was a dynamic and interactive session that brought to life the history, market strategy, and operational priorities of Triumph.

The presentation began with an interesting overview of Triumph's storied past, highlighting key milestones, challenges, and triumphs. It was a journey through time, from the early 20th century to the present day, with anecdotes and insights that made the company's evolution a legacy to appreciate.

We then delved into the nitty-gritty of Triumph's market strategy. The presentation unpacked how the brand positioned itself globally, navigating the complex landscape of consumer preferences, trends, and regional markets. As operations management students, this section resonated deeply with us, offering a real-world application of strategic decision-making and market analysis.

The pièce de résistance was the exploration of Triumph's manufacturing operations. The presentation took us back to the shop floor, detailing the lean principles, automation technologies, and quality assurance measures that make Triumph's production process a great example of efficiency. Seeing the concepts we studied in class come to life in a real-world setting was fulfilling.

A Revved-Up Perspective on Operations Management

Our Triumph Motorcycle Factory visit wasn't just a field trip; it was a thorough immersion into the world of precision, innovation, and operational excellence. From the quaint 1902 Café to the thrilling exhibition and the enlightening presentation, every moment was a revelation.

As operations management students, we left with more than just knowledge; we left with a revved-up perspective on how theory meets practice in the dynamic realm of manufacturing. Triumph's legacy isn't just about motorcycles; it's about a relentless pursuit of perfection that echoes in every engine roar and every twist of the throttle.

The Triumph experience was more than a lesson; it was an exhilarating ride into the heart of operational mastery.

Learn more about Saraschandra’s course MSc Business with Operations Management here, or discover our other courses by downloading our Postgraduate brochure.