Warwick Finance Network Event: Peer to Peer lending

Join the Warwick Finance Network for our event on Thursday 19 th  January 2017 at the Shard London.


Peer-to-peer (P2P) loans represent an alternative fixed income investment for investors seeking a high yield, low volatility income product. How are P2P loans originated? Which are the key features of this new asset class? What role does it have in a balanced portfolio? Which are the risks involved? How liquid are peer-to-peer loans?


Peter Behrens, Chief Operating Officer and co-founder at RateSetter and Rupert Taylor, CEO and co-founder of  AltFi  Data will answer to these questions and many more, providing the audience with an overview of the peer-to-peer lending industry and of the risk/return profile of this innovative asset class.


RateSetter is one of the UK's largest peer-to-peer lending platforms, having originated more than £1.5bn in loans, and  AltFi  Data is the industry's leading data provider.