MBA Taster lecture: Sustainability leadership

In today's business world companies face a variety of complex challenges and concerns ranging from technological advancements to environmental degradation and social pressures. In this taster lecture we discuss the convergence of these different megatrends and ask, how should managers make sense of these challenges and respond to them strategically. What are the mindsets and skills required for companies to succeed in the 21st century?

Frederik Dahlmann originally joined Warwick Business School as Assistant Professor of Global Energy in October 2012. He has a BSc from Loughborough University, and an MSc and a PhD from the University of Bath. He also gained professional experience in the construction sector and from working as an energy analyst in London.

Frederik's research interests are driven by a focus on understanding how companies respond to and integrate global sustainability challenges into their business strategies, management practices and corporate governance systems. More specifically, he studies how companies address climate change and reduce corporate carbon emissions,their engagement with multiple sustainability challenges such as the energy-food-water nexus, and the role of sustainable business models in driving industry transformation.