Taster Lecture: Coronavirus - Maintaining your mental wellbeing

There is no doubt that the negative impact of coronavirus on the economy will be astronomical and will probably take years to recover. Yet the potential consequences of coronavirus on our mental health and overall wellbeing are much less understood. In this webinar, Nick Powdthavee will talk about how coronavirus might have affected different dimensions of our overall wellbeing. He will also talk about what we could do, as an individual and as a society, to help alleviate the negative effects that coronavirus have on our wellbeing.

Nattavudh (Nick) Powdthavee joined WBS as Professor of Behavioural Science in 2016. Nick specialises in wellbeing (or happiness) economics and behavioural economics, and has published over 40 articles in these two broad areas. He is the author of the popular science book called "The Happiness Equation: The Surprising Economics of our Most Valuable Asset".