The Power of Profile

Personal profile can be one of the most powerful elements in your business armoury, but you have to know what tools and techniques will help you build it, protect it and drive your success. Culturally, many of us are brought up not to "toot our own horns" or "shout about our successes", but in today’s highly competitive world if you don’t stand out, you’re likely to watch those with a higher profile pass you by on their way to the top. 

Throughout this interactive and practical session Vanessa will share stories from her career; starting in Banking in the City at 16 and her rise to the C-suite. 

Vanessa will provide the top tips she’s picked up in corporates, as an entrepreneur and as a network leader, and encourage you to become comfortable with raising your profile:  

• How to stop feeling like an imposter 

• How to focus on your personal brand and exhibit leadership behaviours 

• The importance of networking and building relationships for the future 

• Speed networking – Getting to know your fellow guests 

• Optimising your digital footprint 

• Coach, Mentor, Sponsor – who can help you drive your career 

• The importance of giving back. 

Vanessa will provide guidance on a wide array of profile-raising opportunities that are easy to implement straight away. She’ll help you take the next steps towards raising your profile and attracting opportunities to progress in your career and help others too.