Six principles of Janus Strategy

Key note speeches, workshops and debates, focusing on embracing the opportunities and challenges that Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace brings, with insights from Leaders from all intersections of society.

Trying to achieve seemingly incompatible goals such as high quality together with low cost can lead to tensions and contradictions. Yet, the rules of competition are changing. 

There is a select group of companies around the world that have managed to transcend conventional categories and contradictions to develop strategies that deliver competitive advantage and outstanding performance. We call these "Janus strategies", after the Roman god Janus who surveys two or more opposing directions simultaneously. These organizations include Toyota, Narayana Health, Singapore Airlines, Apple Inc, and NASA. 

Based on in-depth case research and decades of engagement, Professor of Strategy Loizos Heracleous presents six principles of Janus Strategy that outline how this challenging and winning strategy can be accomplished.