Bank of England Briefing 14 November

Professor Andy Lockett, Dean of WBS, invites you to an audience with Graeme Chaplin, Agent for the Bank of England, West Midlands, on 14 November at 8 a.m.

This is the 52nd business briefing from Graeme, who will present the Bank's forecast for the UK economy, as set out in the latest Monetary Policy Report. Please note these events are "off-the-record".

Please submit questions for Graeme on the registration link above.


7.15 am: Breakfast in Scarman (next to WBS)

7.50 am: Move from Scarman to WBS building

8 am: Welcome - Professor Andy Lockett, Dean of WBS, followed by business briefing - Graeme Chaplin, Bank of England

9 am: Close  

Book your place by Friday, 8 November.