Adiba Tasmeem
Senior Consultant, Gobeyond Partners
Full-time MBA (2021 - 2022)

Since my MBA, I have been working as a Senior Consultant at Gobeyond Partners, a consulting firm that focuses on solving unique customer journey problems for clients. By securing the role, I made the proverbial ‘triple jump’– a change in industry, function, and country, having pivoted into consulting from the FMCG sector. In the last year, I have helped design and deliver bespoke solutions for high-street banks and multinational insurance companies, helping them achieve agility in their operations and deliver maximum value to their customers.

The Warwick Full-time MBA has equipped me with the right skills and attitude to perform in a challenging role. I received a comprehensive understanding of the business world, a practical walk-through of modern leadership principles, and personal coaching that helped refine my brand. The experience elevated my knowledge and confidence, and motivated me to aim high, particularly in my pivot to consulting. It has also helped me perform at a high level in my current field and get recognition from peers and superiors.

Truth be told, I had an open mind when I started my MBA at Warwick. I did not have a specific sector or role in mind, only that I wanted to gain meaningful work experience in UK – something that would give me exposure to new challenges, force me to learn quickly and adapt (you can’t learn how to swim if you don’t get into the water).

In my first semester, I learned about a club for Warwick MBA students that facilitates the practice of case-solving exercises – the kind that forms part of assessments in consulting firms – and decided to give it a try. After attending a few sessions, I grew rather fond of solving case studies and started to believe that I could do for a living, even though I didn’t have a background in consulting. The next thing I knew, I was applying for roles in consulting firms. Having completed my first year in the world of consulting, I can guarantee that it has challenged my comfort zone in more ways than one, and I have learned more in the last year than I would have if I had played safe.