Shutong Liu
MSc Accounting & Finance (2018 - 2019)

The first term has been quite challenging and exciting. The curriculum has been fantastic, and we were set a strenuous group project which forced us to learn and practice something new. The lecturers here are so nice and patient that they explained the questions in detail during their office hour if we needed to check anything. There are also lecture recordings for us to review in case we struggle to follow parts of the lecture.

Besides the course work, the School offered us various free opportunities to travel and experience the culture of the UK, such as visiting the University of Oxford, as well as visiting a Christmas Market. I joined the trip to Nottingham Christmas Market and this was a lot of fun!

What has impressed me most is the assistance that WBS has provided with our career and academic development. There were all kinds of workshops organised, relating to CV writing, academic assignment training and so on. I even have my own career coach to meet with face to face. I believe this opportunity will be helpful and practical in my future career.

This term has been very meaningful. I learnt a lot and made new friends who are diligent and talented. I made the right choice in coming to Warwick Business School.