Ali E. Ahmed

Assistant Professor
(Entrepreneurship & Innovation Group)

Ali is an Assistant Professor of entrepreneurship at Warwick Business School. His research focuses on the psychology of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship in contexts of adversity and necessity. He is specifically interested in how the cognitive, emotional and behavioral aspects of entrepreneurship are shaped by the different contexts and how entrepreneurship influence these contexts. His field research explored the resilience of refugee entrepreneurs in Egypt and the emotional experiences of entrepreneurs in university accelerators and social business incubators. He is also open to future research on understanding the functioning of new ventures and their employees in adversity contexts.

Ali earned his PhD in Management at Warwick Business School. He also holds a MSc in Marketing from the University of Leicester and a BSc from both the British University in Egypt and Loughborough University.

Prior joining WBS, Ali worked on several business consultancy projects involving business modelling, marketing and HR restructuring of start-ups, SMEs and large enterprises. He also held teaching and research positions at the American University in Cairo and The British University in Egypt.

Research Interests

Psychology of entrepreneurship; Necessity entrepreneurship; Resilience and coping; failure and stigma; Adversity contexts