Dr Liad Weiss
Associate Professor
(Marketing Group)

2023-present: Associate Professor, University of Warwick
2013-2023: Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison

2013: Ph.D., Department of Marketing, Columbia University
2012: Master of Philosophy, Department of Marketing, Columbia University
2007: Master of Science, Behavioral and Management Sciences The William Davidson Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.
2006: Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management The William Davidson Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. Graduate with Honors

Self-concept & Identity . Social-Cognition . Consumer Judgment & Decision Making . Product & Brand Preference . Brand Loyalty . Segmentation . Targeting . Positioning

2024 - WBS Outstanding Mid-Career Researcher Award
2024 - SCP Doctoral Consortium Faculty
2023 - Outstanding Reviewer Award by Journal of Consumer Psychology
2022 - Outstanding Reviewer Award by Journal of Consumer Psychology

Research Interests

Dr. Liad Weiss is an Associate Professor of Marketing at Warwick Business School. His research centers on consumer judgment and decision-making, with a focus on how psychological factors shape these processes. Dr. Weiss's primary research stream, Egocentric Categorization, delves into how consumers categorize products and brands relative to themselves, revealing its profound influence on cognition, perception, and behavior.

Key research questions explored by Dr. Weiss include:

1. Egocentric Categorization and Product Judgment (Weiss & Johar 2013, JCR):
When do consumers judge products they own less favorably than those they do not own? This study disrupts the conventional belief that ownership automatically elevates product judgment, uncovering circumstances where owning a product can lead to less favorable evaluations.

2. Self-Judgment Influenced by Product Ownership (Weiss & Johar 2016, JCR):
Can ownership affect not only our view of products but also our self-perception? Dr. Weiss's research reveals that owning a product can significantly shape how we see ourselves, showing that products influence personal traits and behaviors more than previously understood.

3. Enhancing Brand Loyalty with Person-Related Features (Weiss 2022, JCR):
Should brands communicate differently with existing customers versus new ones? This research highlights how brands can strengthen loyalty by describing product features in person-related terms (e.g., "beauty" or "strength") for existing customers, resulting in greater preference and willingness to pay, as compared to product-centered descriptions like "aesthetics" or "durability."

4. Consumer Identity and Brand Preference (Weiss & Tanner Forthcoming, JCR):
How does consumer identity influence brand preference, especially with products linked to the self? This research challenges the assumption that stronger identity connections always translate to higher brand preference. It shows that in contexts where identities are not dependent on products, consumer preference may weaken, offering insights into when and how identity-linked marketing strategies succeed or falter.

Dr. Weiss's research challenges established theories in consumer behavior, offering fresh perspectives on how identity, ownership, and egocentric categorization impact consumer decision-making. His work provides both theoretical advancements for academic research and practical insights for enhancing marketing strategies, particularly in fostering brand loyalty and refining consumer-product relationships.