Dr Omid Omidvar
Associate Professor
(Organisation and Work Group)

Dr. Omid Omidvar is an associate professor in Organization Studies and he is interested in understanding pressing issues that organizations face through exploring sociological and philosophical insights. He is particularly interested in understanding how algorithms are changing organizations and organizing, and what consequences those changes have for the broader society. Omid is also interested in learning how organizations deal with shocks and unprecedented settings that might stress or disorient them.

Omid's work has been conducted in a variety of contexts including the financial sector, open organizing, and collaborative initiatives in public and private settings.

Dr. Omidvar is interested in hearing from PhD applicants who are curious and willing to move outside their comfort zones. While he prefers projects with clear qualitative focus, he is open to receiving applications from those who might have different methodological preferences.

Research Interests

Practice theory, Organizational routines, Algorithms and organization, Process philosophy, Distributed organizing, Strategy, Organizational learning, and Qualitative methods