How our CareersPlus support can enhance your professional development

04 May 2024

Careers Coach, Jeff Slater, shares insights into the wide range of support available from the CareersPlus team.

Hello! I’m Jeff, a Careers Coach for part-time MBA students at Warwick Business School. This piece is to share a little insight into what the CareersPlus team does and how we support our students. CareersPlus offers a wide range of benefits to students, supporting individual development that can offer life-long benefits. Plus, don’t forget that you receive support as alumni as well!

Individual Coaching

You can partner with any member of your Part Time MBA coaching team in a safe and confidential space, either in person or digitally to discuss any aspect of your career and professional development. Topics students choose to discuss in coaching appointments may include how to transition role and/or organisation, influence, managing politics and much more. As an Executive MBA student at WBS, you will have access to unlimited coaching with the WBS team and 3 x free sessions with an external executive coach.

Workshops & Events

The CareersPlus team collaborates with academics to deliver workshops that complement students’ academic learning. An example of this are careers weekends for Executive MBA London students that emphasises content taught in modules and relates this to career and professional development. Throughout your careers, leadership & development journey, the team bring in experts in a range of areas, alongside panels and networking opportunities to embed learning and facilitate connections.

The academic learning students gain at WBS is world-class. We in CareersPlus help students embed that learning through a range of careers workshops and events, supporting them to carry it with them on into their post-WBS careers. Motivations for studying at WBS will likely include improved career prospects, so our collaboration with academics in this area is key.

As well as engaging with our academic colleagues, we also host a wide variety of careers, leadership & development specific workshops. Topics covered might include:

  • Developing your personal brand
  • Designing and implementing your career transition
  • How to influence and communicate
  • Leadership in practice

Online Resources

Students have access to a suite of online resources via CareersPlus. This includes AI-supported software to help students produce high-quality CVs and a whole range of others!

How can participants access the service?

For individual coaching appointments, and many of our events, students can book through our online platform MyAdvantage. my.WBS is the place for students to go for any online resources, and to find out more about CareersPlus!


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