Student insight: Societies on campus
In this month’s postgraduate insight blog, our Masters students discuss their experience of joining societies and how these have shaped their student life.
Siying Yu
MSc Accounting and Finance
As an international student, I wanted to experience local life and feel what it’s truly like to be ‘British’. What I really appreciate about the University of Warwick is the numerous one-off and regular volunteer opportunities. During my postgraduate year, I‘ve been a performance steward at Warwick Arts Centre, a project leader for the volunteer society Crafts in Hospital, and a member of Warwick RAG skydive fundraising team for Guide Dogs.
Being a performance steward at Warwick Arts Centre allows me to freely enjoy the art aspect of British culture (e.g. British comedies, modern and classical orchestra etc). I‘m able to sign up for performance shifts at the shows which interest me and coordinate with stewards from different countries. I would definitely recommend this if you are interested in British culture.
Students at the university come from diverse backgrounds and the project leader role of Crafts in Hospital emphasises the inclusiveness and diversity of Warwick campus. Our project leaders are from many different countries such as India, Bulgaria and China. We’re able to share our ideas and love of volunteering at Warwick.
RAG skydive fundraising team gave me unconditional trust and helped me to achieve something great. I was able to organize a charity bake sale and Chinese cuisine sale on campus on my own with support from the university and RAG. Apart from this, I also experienced a street bucket collection, which I had never done before. In total I raised £428.49 for Guide Dogs for the Blind Association.
Studying MSc Accounting and Finance can be challenging and quite intensive, yet it is more rewarding to see yourself successfully manage the study-life balance. I would definitely recommend joining some societies during your time at Warwick.

Siying's bake sale on campus
Fangxiao Ji
MSc Marketing and Strategy
I was attracted by the Societies Fair as soon as I started my masters year at Warwick. There were so many different societies that interested me and I really wanted to try them all, even if I only have one year here! So I picked up several societies such as polo, photography society and even gliding... but I devoted most of my time to Warwick Argentine Tango Society. It's not a big society and attracts those who love social dancing and tango – it’s a bit niche when compared with other dancing societies, but that means our members are closer to each other.
Before I did tango, I was regarded as having two-left-feet (I didn’t have any dancing talent!) However, this society totally changed me! It introduced me to a new tango world and I enjoyed every class, every milonga (tango ball) and every dance with my fellow members. I improved so quickly and participated in Warwick-Pizazz, the largest dance showcase at the university. I was even selected to be the central dancer. From having two-left-feet to being the central dancer, I'd never imagined I could do it!! Tango has now become a part of my life and I will always be passionate about it. I also tried to DJ in Warwick milonga and DJing turned out to be another wonderful experience.
All of this is thanks to that night when I crept into a tango class. My experiences in Warwick Argentine Tango Society and the friends I met there must be the highlight and brightest memory of this year.

Fangxiao with her Argentine Tango friends