Term One as an MSc student: expectations and reality
Our MSc Finance ambassador, Christina, shares how her expectations have been both met and challenged during her first term as an MSc student.
Finding efficient ways of studying
Having been an undergraduate at Warwick, I was expecting the workload for the MSc Finance to be of a similar quantity to that of the last 3 years. However, the course is much more intense than I expected, pushing me to search for more efficient ways of studying and further develop my time management skills.
In term 1 I experienced a blended style of learning introduced by WBS, involving a combination of live lectures, recorded videos and in-person seminars. This approach worked particularly well as it guaranteed students’ safety whilst maintaining teacher-student interaction, which is a very important part of the learning process. With the live lecture and videos being recorded, the blended approach allowed me to plan my day more flexibly and productively.
Preparing for the course
WBS also provided many useful resources in preparing students prior to joining the course. These included the maths and finance booster course, which is a helpful refresher for students with a finance background, and an important opportunity for students from non-finance background to catch up.
My highlight so far
The highlight of my first term would be the amazing people I have met on this course, who are very diverse in terms of background, experience, and culture. While many of them progressed to the MSc directly from undergrad, some colleagues have had multiple years of experience working in the industry, and they bring in interesting new perspectives to group discussions. Even though this cohort is diverse, one thing in common is that all of my cohort are ambitious go-getters, hence we are all willing to put in the effort in pursuing our own dreams.