Careers support on the Full-time MBA
James explains the support our CareersPlus team offers to our Full-time MBA students.
"One of the key aspects of the Full-time MBA programme at Warwick Business School is the excellent support provided by the CareersPlus team. The team provides an array of services, such as; one to one coaching, CV and cover letter clinics, interview techniques and various career workshops. Examples of workshops include; Navigating Politics, First 100 Days, Networking, Case Interview Methodologies, Working Across Different Cultures, Interviewing With Impact and Client Persuasion Skills. The workshops involve the use of experts and provide excellent insight, tips and tools to really help build competence and confidence in preparation for going back into the workplace after the MBA.
Related course: Full-time MBA
CareersPlus work very closely with students and provide tips for when applying for specific jobs or preparing for assessment days and interviews. Furthermore, the team works in conjunction with the Corporate Relations team in helping identify which students would get the best value out of campus recruiter visits based on individuals’ past experiences and career motivations. The team even works with you before starting the MBA to create what’s known as the ‘Talent Book’ which summarises the key achievements and qualifications of each student to date and is sent to an array of potential recruiters.
The CareersPlus team are always there on hand to support you with any career needs you have, and I would highly recommend to any future students that you engage with the team as much as possible as their expertise and support is invaluable."