Full-time MBA Silicon Valley trip

28 March 2018

Full-time MBA participant Andre recounts his experience of the new Silicon Valley trip, part of the Entrepreneurial Finance module, sharing his highlights and insights from the tour.

The Silicon Valley trip is certainly one of the highlights of my MBA experience so far. The chance to visit San Francisco, learn from some of Silicon Valley’s top entrepreneurs and see inside some of the biggest start-ups on the scene was an opportunity not to be missed.

Throughout the week we received lectures by Chris Haroun, a seasoned Silicon Valley expert, VC advisor at Stanford and educator. His insights into the start-up world in Silicon Valley were simply amazing. All of this was further enhanced by an academic overview and contextualisation by Professor of Practice John Lyon, and by numerous trips to start-up incubators, valuation companies and entrepreneur pitches.

As a nice addition to the trip, I was lucky enough to be able to visit the Google headquarters in Mountain View, being toured around the complex by a Googler friend of mine.

The main takeaway from the trip for me is the great culture Silicon Valley has towards failure. You're expected to fail, it's alright, but (!) you must learn from that experience and do better next time.

I would definitely recommend the Silicon Valley module, it is an excellent opportunity for both budding entrepreneurs and those wishing to develop an entrepreneurial mind-set to gain an insight into what this exciting start up hub has to offer.