How CareersPlus provided invaluable support for my professional development

30 April 2024

Executive MBA participant Kaleena Beenessreesingh reflects on the benefits of the support she's received from CareersPlus throughout her time on the programme.

Embarking on my Executive MBA journey at Warwick Business School (WBS), I never envisioned a career change, unlike many of my peers. However, enrolling in the CareersPlus initiative proved to be a pivotal decision, offering indispensable tools for my professional development.

Attending numerous events and discussions provided opportunities to delve into various topics such as career advancement, diversity, entrepreneurship, and leadership. Engaging with keynote speakers as they shared their personal career journeys was both captivating and authentic. I made a concerted effort to participate in as many sessions as possible, recognising the immense value they bring. Whether in person or virtual, the diverse range of topics and discussions significantly contributed to my personal and professional growth.

Participating in the Executive Coaching programme was particularly significant. It led to a profound exploration of self, aspirations, and purpose - my ikigai. Guided by a remarkable coach, I embarked on a journey to overcome barriers and embrace achievements, including grappling with imposter syndrome.

I wholeheartedly endorse integrating the CareersPlus programme into your academic journey. It not only expands career horizons but also enhances your profile, refining interview and negotiation skills while fostering authentic discussions on fair remuneration, among other benefits. The programme also facilitates connections with a broad network of individuals, ranging from current students and keynote speakers to alumni.

Throughout my journey, the support and resources provided by CareersPlus have been invaluable. Their accessible guidance and wealth of knowledge have been instrumental in navigating my path effectively.

I am deeply grateful for the CareersPlus programme and its exceptional team. Their unwavering support has not only expanded my mindset and bolstered my confidence but also guided me toward exciting new career paths post-MBA.