Q&A with Full-time MBA student Sresha Banerjee

06 May 2020

Full-time MBA participant, Sresha Banerjee, takes part in our student Q&A, offering an insight into her MBA experience so far and sharing some useful tips for future students.    

Why did you choose to study your MBA at Warwick Business School (WBS)?

Warwick was the only university I applied to for my MBA because it was the only university I wanted to go to! After extensively researching universities for the third time, having done my BSc at Royal Holloway University of London and my MSc at Warwick, I found myself on a phone call with the WBS MBA recruitment team.

They were warm, friendly and extremely helpful in the information and guidance provided on the application process, and the content of the MBA programme. It reminded me of the atmosphere at Warwick: inclusive, open and social. I desperately wanted to be a part of that again!

What was your experience of the CareersPlus team at WBS?

The Full-time MBA cohort at WBS are privileged to have a team of career experts dedicated just for our development. I have been working with the CareersPlus team and the Programmes team closely and constantly, even prior to my arrival at WBS. We have extensively discussed job searches, finding the right fit, networking, interviewing, self-sourcing projects and also many personal development topics such as courageous conversations, dealing with ‘office’ politics and managing conflict. By the time I complete my MBA I will be equipped with every trick and tool in the book – and a wide portfolio of contacts.

What advice would you give to future MBA students?

The MBA programme is rewarding, but it can be intensive – especially towards the end of the second term. For this reason, I find it is particularly important to engage my spare energy in positive and productive pursuits (and extracurriculars). I asked myself, what am I passionate about? What motivates me? So, here is what I am enjoying pursuing along with my studies:

  • Being part of the Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC) – representing the student voice in the cohort, driving changes, encouraging open feedback and discussions
  • Promoting conversations of diversity, ethics and sustainability – working with a group of talented individuals to organise a platform for the cohort to further debate and discuss these topics
  • Supporting women in our cohort overcome the challenges faced in the corporate world, through group coaching sessions sharing our wealth of experiences with each other. We look to unravel the deeper thinking of both men and women, behind decision-making and risk-taking in business
  • Taking up Boxing at Warwick’s fantastic Sports & Wellness Hub to let off some steam after a long day of lectures and assignment work!

Finally, can you summarise your MBA experience so far?

Of the three degrees I have done, the MBA is already the one I have enjoyed the most. I have loved meeting bright individuals from all over the world, with so many different experiences and backgrounds. I have had some of the most stimulating, mind-bending conversations! The diversity really pushed me out of my comfort zone, allowing me to consider new perspectives.

I have also loved how practical and applicable the course is to my past experiences – and I am excited to build this knowledge acumen for my future career development. Most of all, I will be able to treasure valuable friendships (and make travel plans to exotic destinations) for the rest of my life!

Find out more about the Full-time MBA