Reflecting on my Executive MBA journey
Executive MBA (London) participant, Tayo Olaleye, reflects on her time on the programme and what she has gained from her studies.
On the 4th September 2024, I submitted my Executive MBA (EMBA) dissertation, and what a fantastic (and challenging) two years!
Since submitting my dissertation, I’ve been in a reflective mode, comparing what I gained from the programme to the goals I set out to achieve at the onset. Whilst it has not all crystallised yet, doing an EMBA at this point in my career was everything I needed. What started as a quest for knowledge quickly became a journey of personal and professional growth.
My drive to do this programme was fuelled by the desire to expand my knowledge base beyond my field, meet new people and develop new skills that would propel my career forward. As an avid and curious learner, I took away from the programme a wealth of knowledge whilst meeting fantastic people along the way.
I had the opportunity to take a module on Big Data at IE University in Madrid, embedding myself in the culture and traditions of Segovia and I even got to work out of the iconic (The) Shard in London! Besides the usual skills related to time management and collaboration amongst others, elements of the Financial Management, Accounting and Leadership modules have been useful in my real-world problems.
Other modules like Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation and Managing Organisational Performance fanned the flames of my entrepreneurial mindset. I concluded the programme with a dissertation exploring, qualitatively, why digital health solutions succeed or fail in resource-poor settings. The guidance from my supervisor, and support from the programme team was fantastic!
Now, it was not without its challenges, combining the programme with two young kids, one of which was a newborn at one point, and a busy career was a character test (to say the least!). However, the flexibility that Warwick Business School (WBS) affords students was welcomed with open arms, allowing me to tailor my learning to my needs. A special thank you to my support network, friends, family and work colleagues, and for the 50% scholarship I was awarded by WBS in partnership with the 30% club to complete this programme. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to have pursued this programme with minimal financial hardship.
I tell my babies ‘You can do anything you put your mind to’ all the time. It does not just apply to children, but also adults. If you have been considering an MBA for some time, like I had been, do it! In my opinion, there will never be a perfect time. Be prepared to embrace challenges and step out of your comfort zone, the growth afterwards will be worth it. The programme team are a happy, and super supportive bunch, reach out to them for any questions!
As I close this chapter, I look forward to the future a little more prepared and armed with a great network to leverage should I need it.