"The whole process has been remarkable and life changing" - My experience on the Global Mentoring Programme

25 February 2022

Distance Learning participant Diana Popescu share her experience on the Global Mentoring Programme.

Taking ownership of my personal and professional development was one of my primary goals when I started my MBA, but I always felt that I needed someone to guide me through that journey. So, when I heard about the WBS Global Mentoring Programme, I instantly knew that I wanted to be part of the programme and benefit from a mentor’s wisdom and life experience.

Looking back at my mentoring journey, the whole process has been remarkable and life changing. Shortly after I was matched with my mentor, who is a fantastic person both on a personal and professional level, we developed a relationship built on trust, openness, and fairness, feeling comfortable to seek guidance and support without fear of judgement or biases. Through thoughtful conversations, filled with natural curiosity and empathy, my mentor helped me unlock positive attitudes towards life and work challenges, contributing to an enhanced soft skills toolkit and improved confidence and self-awareness.

My mentor became my sounding board during challenging or difficult situations such as stepping into a new senior role, speaking at events and conferences, pursuing new ventures, or the impact and uncertainty of the Brexit and COVID-19 situations.

With each mentoring session I was growing into a more confident and assertive person, taking on new projects, managing conflict and positively stepping into uncomfortable situations. Exploring and identifying my strengths, passion and motivation helped me gain a clear understanding of my true potential and allowed me to focus on being more efficient and productive when making decisions. It further enabled me to shift my mindset towards creating an environment that attracts opportunities, enriching my life every day.

Through his patient nature and flexibility, my mentor gave me the space to develop at my own speed, encouraging and challenging me when necessary. Talking about and addressing my weaknesses, which helped me understand myself better and helped me to be more open about my feelings and vulnerabilities, turning them into strengths. He also kindly shared valuable experience on how to better strike a balance between studying the Distance Learning MBA, working full-time and having a personal life, which can be challenging at times. Having someone outside my work and family environment to confidently discuss with and receive suggestions on how to better manage the situation, positively impacted on my growth, well-being, and the development journey, which further benefited my company, family, and those around me.

My mentor’s guidance, support and contribution were, and continue to be, invaluable. I am always grateful for the experience and friendship we have developed, and I highly recommend the Global Mentoring Programme to both mentees and mentors.

The Global Mentoring Programme is a fantastic programme, with highly enthusiastic and passionate people dedicated to adding value and bringing positive life changing experience to mentees’ development journeys. They have a natural capacity to connect like-minded people and effortlessly support a network of Change Makers.

Find out more about our Global Mentoring Programme here and more about the Distance Learning MBA programme here