How the MSc Careers team shaped my journey

06 June 2023

MSc International Business student Toyin Kolude details how the MSc CareersPlus team equipped her with the confidence, knowledge and skills to progress to her dream career after graduating.

Choosing, organising and embarking on your career path is a vital element of a Masters degree. The good news is that by studying at Warwick Business School, you’re already at a great advantage.

The MSc CareersPlus team are an experienced group of professionals who offer expert advice and guidance before, during and after your time here.

As an international student, I was unfamiliar with the UK recruitment system and unsure how best to present myself and generate professional leads. A friend recommended the Careers team, so I reached out to book an appointment.

I immediately felt at home and reassured that I wasn’t alone in being unsure on my next steps, and that the right help and facilities were on hand. We discussed my past experiences, strengths, areas for improvement, and most importantly, what it was that I really wanted out of my career.

I was given detailed feedback on my CV, tips for tailoring cover letters, and was pointed in the direction of recruiters. I also had opportunities for interview preparation and execution that best fitted to my skills and ambition.

The team offered an amazing platform to prepare for interviews and hone our skills. They organised mock assessment centres, conducted video assessments and provided ‘real-world’ scenarios to develop our interview performance. 

In addition to this, we enjoyed various recruitment fairs, ‘meet and greet’ sessions with employers, and career progression insight conferences with industry experts.

These events and extra-curricular activities weren’t just good for our individual career development, they’re a fantastic way to meet people and socialise. It was so interesting to hear the ideas and experiences from people from across the world, with inspirational business visions.

Whether you’re sure on a set career path or are still exploring, I couldn’t recommend the Careers team enough. They gave me knowledge, confidence, skills and leads to get ahead in my journey, and I feel so excited and sure of my next steps after graduating.

Find out more about Toyin’s course, MSc International Business here, or download our brochure to discover our other Postgraduate courses.

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