How my scholarship supported my university experience

11 July 2023

Undergraduate student Hanna Amanuel explores how receiving a scholarship enhanced her university experience and opened doors to new opportunities. 

Receiving a scholarship has provided several opportunities for myself, other students at Warwick Business School and the wider university community. It’s been an opportunity to grow, learn and develop over the last four years.

Undeniably, the scholarship has opened doors whether it be through the immense financial support or the achievement it is recognised as. Alongside my studies, I have been able to participate in volunteer opportunities with non-profit organisations, competitions, company insight days and assessment centres. All of these opportunities have included travel and other expenses, which the scholarship has provided support with funding. Not only that but over the years, I have been able to take advantage of external courses available and partake in sports, like Badminton which I picked up at university. In addition, I took up an intern position in London last summer, which included several upfront expenses, especially considering the high living costs. I have been fortunate enough to use my scholarship for such outgoings and several others, without the pressure of seeking part-time work - something I am immensely appreciative of!

Beyond the monetary support, being a scholar has been of great sentimental value - it is something I am both grateful and proud of. Over the last two years, being a Warwick Scholar Ambassador has enabled me to meet with alumni and donors, engaging in intriguing discussions about the projects occurring at the university. These conversations have also enabled me to get a perspective on the individual career paths people take and provided advice and insights on how to navigate the corporate environment. Specific to WBS, there have been several company insight days and career-related events. More recently, with CoACh, an initiative bringing scholars together, several workshops have been conducted including theatre-related sessions, which explored the power of ensemble, design thinking, rock climbing and open discussions to improve communication skills amongst students. Being involved in such experiences has made the university experience more unique and engaging, as well as reassuring as I found that other students were navigating similar experiences and challenges. This sense of community no doubt enables students to create close relationships and connections, with those within their faculty and the wider community.

Reflecting on my journey and the opportunities received, I highly encourage other students to apply for a scholarship. Not only is it a chance to be supported financially, especially with the rising living costs, but it is also a chance to have a motivating factor to get you through your hardest days.

My advice for students considering making an application:

  • Check the requirements thoroughly
  • Ensure you make a great application - put in time and effort to make yourself stand out.

For those that have received a scholarship:

  • Maintain a positive attitude and relationship with the people and staff around you
  • Find an opportunity to give back to the community - it is highly rewarding and motivating
  • Remain humble and grateful.

I want to take this moment to thank the alumni community, foundations and organisations for making scholarships possible. Indeed, several students have had life-changing opportunities, thrived and flourished due to the support provided.

Find out more about the CoACH scholarship programme.