Meet the societies: Warwick Business School Society (WBSS)

24 July 2018

Warwick Business School Society (WBSS) introduce themselves and discuss how they create value for their members by offering services such as their buddy scheme

Your first year at university, while exciting, can also be quite overwhelming. Wrapping your head around academics while juggling your social life as well as preparing your professional career is far from easy. However, to help with this process you can join societies. This is what we’re here for.

With currently over 5,000 active members, we will provide you with the biggest family you’ve been part of yet. Not only will you network with your peers when solving interactive case studies but you will have the opportunity of meeting the brightest entrepreneurs out there. On top of that, we offer you the chance to make friends for life at our themed parties and the annual ball.

Beyond corporate and social events, we introduced the Buddy Scheme to ensure your transition into university life runs as smoothly as possible: a free service that pairs you with a second year to guide you in all things academic and extracurricular.

Warwick Business School SocietyBeyond corporate and social events, we introduced the Buddy Scheme to ensure your transition into university life runs as smoothly as possible: a free service that pairs you with a second year to guide you in all things academic and extracurricular.

To ensure you get the best possible support, all of our mentors are trained by a professional coach from Warwick Business School. But don’t take our word for it, hear what first year International Management student Thomas Bruneteaux has to say about the Buddy Scheme:

“Having received a mentor from the same course, I got hands on advice on all of my modules and how to maximise my time. Without him, I also wouldn’t have engaged as actively in any society as he opened my eyes to the potential of getting involved. Overall, I benefited greatly from his advice and we are still in contact today.”

Alexis, Thomas’ second year Buddy, pointed out that “although it is a mentor-mentee relationship, you learn a lot yourself by giving advice to someone whose same concerns you had a year ago. I think the best part about the programme is that you create friendships that span across years, making your university time even more meaningful.”

Warwick Business School Society eventIf you wish to receive updates about signing up to the buddy programme for the next academic year, feel free to email Or, if you cannot wait until then to get answers to any of your burning questions, simply message our Facebook page. We are always here to help.

Furthermore, you can be part of our team of more than 50 executives to vastly improve your teamwork, leadership and problem-solving skills, turning amazing ideas into reality. Recruitment starts the beginning of term, so watch out for our stalls in the first few weeks and stay tuned. 

We are looking forward to welcoming you in our family in September!

Until then, you can also connect with us on Facebook and Instagram or find out more information on our website