Yasmine's Top 5 Revision Tips
Do you have exams coming up soon and you need some revision tips? Are you currently struggling to find out how to revise for your exams effectively? To help you prepare we asked BSc Management student Yasmine to share her top revision tips to help you study smarter.
- Make a schedule
Before you focus on the details make sure you have an overview of what should be done, what areas you should focus on and therefore, what you should be spending more time studying on. As a second-year BSc Management student, I slowly learned how to plan my days effectively in order to stay on top of my work. You should also check on my.wbs for any revision sessions that are running to add them into your schedule.
A monthly overview is essential for me, every month I produce a schedule that I print and stick on my bedroom wall. This not only enables me to have a bigger picture of what my revision schedule will look like over the next month, but also enables me to set priorities. Therefore, when filling in your monthly schedule, make sure to start by identifying the most important things and allow yourself some breaks in order to stay focused.
- Clean your work environment
Although it can be challenging to keep your workspace clean and tidy during exam period as you have more important things to focus on. I always try to make the time to clean mine because it can really help with your concentration levels.
I also cannot work in a messy environment and feel it has a direct impact on my performance level. In other words, when my desk is organised, I can notice an improved flow of thought, and consequently better results when studying. I know not everyone is like that but for me it really helps.
- Know which study space works best for you
Where do you usually study? Do you feel more productive at the library or at home? These are the questions that you should ask yourself.
Some people are more productive when they are not surrounded by any distractions or background noises. Others can study in more noisy areas. It is really important that you know which type of category you belong to. You may even fall into both categories!
Either way, you should know and study in the location(s) that suit you the most. Personally, I enjoy studying at home or at the library. If I am in a busy study hall, I get easily distracted and cannot focus. This usually happens during exam period, when the library gets busier due to students revising. However, I like switching environments so if I am not studying at home or at the library, I like studying in cafes on the University of Warwick campus, especially over a cup of coffee and occasionally a savoury pastry. At Warwick Business School there is a cafe which you can always use to study in and an undergraduate learning space which has a range of seats and TV's which you can connect your laptop to which is useful if you are revising with friends. It also has a kitchen space with comfy pink chairs if you fancy snacking whilst revising.
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- Organise your notes
Using a colour code is definitely helpful if you are a visual person like me. I highly recommend using different markers and fine liners when writing down your notes. It has also been proven that color-coded notes can make you a more efficient thinker!
I also noticed that my notes are easier to remember and to find later on. Messy notebooks with plain text makes it harder for me to recall the main points of any module. The more organised the better.
- Take care of your physical and mental health
I like to spread out my revision over weeks to prevent cramming. Instead of leaving everything to the last minute, try to divide the material in a way that enables you to break down your time efficiently. Whenever I feel rushed and pressured to study in a short amount of time, I tend to overthink and become nervous.This is why it is really important that you divide your study tasks throughout the day. Mix it up with doing things like cleaning your bedroom, doing groceries or going to the gym to give yourself a break! Personally, I enjoy running with my friends or going boxing to unleash the stress. It also enables me to remain active during the busy exam season.
It is crucial that you take care of your mental health and seek support or advice if you feel the need to. Have a look at my previous blog about the student support at the university and the ways in which it can benefit you.
To put it in a nutshell, planning is the key to being successful during the exam period. As exams are just around the corner for many of us, prepare everything in advance if you can, manage your time and make sure you have enough time to relax and take care of your health in this busy exam period. To anyone who is currently starting their exams, good luck and I hope my tips have helped!
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