Online revolution: A lecturer using the £1.2 million SmartStage® at Warwick Business School
Warwick Business School’s revolutionary £1.2 million extended reality online teaching studio has been shortlisted for a Digital Transformation Award by the Association for MBAs and Business Graduates Association.
The School's innovative SmartStage® technology is transforming the way MBA and Master's level courses are delivered, offering a more engaging, interactive, and immersive experience for students.
SmartStage® is a state-of-the-art virtual classroom that uses extended reality (XR) to create a dynamic and interactive learning environment. Faculty present in a studio, utilising XR technology and interactive elements to bring lectures and case studies to life. Students can even see and interact with each other through video feeds, fostering a sense of community and connection.
Dot Powell, Director of Teaching and Learning Enhancement, said: “We are the first business school in Europe to use SmartStage® with its XR capabilities.
“Traditional online teaching can feel impersonal, slide heavy and unengaging. But our pioneering technology has transformed the way that online MBA and Master’s courses can be delivered.
“We’ve created an immersive, interactive environment that enables deeper learning, more questions and better discussions.
“A specialist team manages technical aspects, meaning that presenters can focus on enriching the learning experience in real-time. With this focus on interaction, we believe we’ve significantly improved the teaching experience for students and faculty, as well as set a new standard of what’s possible in online education.”
Students on the School’s Global Online MBA, Accelerator MBA and Master’s courses report feeling more engaged, excited, and focused during SmartStage® sessions, while student feedback scores for modules utilising the technology are also higher, with 83 per cent agreeing it improved the online learning experience.
“By far the best live lecture I have attended,” said one student. “You get an actual sense of the person talking to you.”
Industry leaders and accreditation panels have lauded SmartStage®, with the Bank of England partnering to use the technology.
SmartStage® also offers the capability to ‘beam in’ guest speakers to the virtual classroom from anywhere in the world.
The winner of the Best Digital Transformation 2025 prize will be announced at the Association of MBAs (AMBA) and Business Graduates Association (BGA) Excellence Awards on January 24 at the Royal Garden Hotel in London.
Dan Pearson, Director of Academic Environment, said: “SmartStage® has transformed how we teach at WBS, setting a new standard in online education.
“Academics have commented on how easy it is to work the platform and students still feel connected to the teaching team even when though they are not physically in the room – it has been a great success.
“We're committed to staying ahead in our field, always improving what we offer and ensuring our students get the best education possible. Technologies like SmartStage® are just the start of what we want to achieve through digital transformation.”
Discover more about the School's online learning courses.
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