Sam Simon
Director of Product EMEA
Distance Learning MBA (2022-2024)

I have intentionally moved across sectors over my 17 year career to come full circle to the problem I wanted to solve in my 2006 dissertation. How can technology level the playing field in access to healthcare? In health technology the opportunity to have impact on health equity globally is huge, as by simply applying some currently ubiquitous technology from other sectors can really make a difference.

I have been consistently ambitious to encourage and normalise women in technology through being present but also through how I have built teams when given the opportunity. Taking my computer science background and passion for making the human experience better with technology and applying this to various industries.  On that journey I have had a number of experiences that led me to an MBA as a way to be recognised as a black woman in a space we are not typically seen or heard. This is being openly discussed now which is positive, however my exposure has taught me that credentials on paper is one key way to move through the networks that typically keep us out.

When I decided to take the opportunity to focus on my own growth I really had to start from scratch when it came to understanding the world of business schools, as this was not something I was familiar with. Warwick Business School (WBS) stood out for its Distance Learning MBA programme because of the length of time it's been running and, of course, it's number one position in the Financial Times rankings. The world class professors, the alumni, and the flexibility of the course were key reasons for going with the WBS Distance Learning MBA.

Having a work life balance whilst studying for an MBA has been a journey, there are serious time management adjustments to be made. The flexibility and support provided by the Distance Learning MBA team is invaluable and makes the balancing act possible. However, to stick to the two year MBA programme with a full-time job has required some earlier mornings to study and less socialising for sure. Little and often was the best advice I was given and I have stuck to that advice to keep on track.

If you are thinking about undertaking an MBA I would say make sure you really want to make it happen, then go for it. The people you will meet are priceless and the conversations are equally challenging and stimulating. There is no better way to expand your critical thinking and awareness. Beyond the network, the content is cutting edge and thought provoking. You will leave the course enriched through the exposure alone.

I have already gained so much one year in, I am thankful for the events that have led me to embarking on this journey.