Tell us a bit about yourself, and what course you are studying?
My name is Vidhi Ahluwalia, and I was born in New Delhi and I live in Tanzania. I did the IB programme and studied in Tanzania, India, and the UK. My hobbies are cooking, travelling, and hiking. I am studying BSc Management and am currently in my third year at Warwick Business School. I have chosen to take a work placement year and am currently working at Vodafone.
What attracted you to WBS?
Firstly, it was the ranking of WBS among top business schools within the UK and worldwide which drew me to consider WBS. After which, I researched further into the course structure and module options which were both very good. Since, the course I chose offered me the opportunity to specialise in either marketing, finance, entrepreneurship, or digital business which was an option I had not seen with my other university choices within the UK. Also, most courses at WBS allow you to take a year out to either work or study abroad at top-ranking international universities. Furthermore, I was attracted to the university as I was keen to study at a campus-based university and when I visited Warwick it had it all from grocery stores to sports to lovely accommodations on campus.
What is the best thing about the degree so far?
I believe the best thing about the degree is the module choices. In my second and third year, I could choose the majority of my modules which helps me tailor my degree and expand my depth of knowledge within various business areas. WBS offers you a range of module options like law, finance, entrepreneurship, and the chance to undertake modules from different departments at Warwick. This offers you the opportunity to understand the area/s in which your passion lies as well as helps you develop your skills. Since my first year, I have been able to learn more about areas like operations management and digital innovation.
How did you find having a personal tutor, have they helped you throughout your studies?
At the start of your first year you are allocated a personal tutor and they are there to support you throughout your time at WBS. My personal tutor has helped me in several cases like when I needed advice on which staff members I could reach out to for further academic help and in times when I was looking for a job. Your personal tutor is also a great person to provide a reference for your job applications. They are more than happy to have a chat with you about how your term is going.
What has inspired you most throughout your studies?
Throughout my time at WBS, what has inspired me most has been the number of opportunities available to me. At WBS, apart from your classes, you have the opportunity to learn and expand your knowledge of different software, you are also able to speak and work with individuals from several different countries, allowing you to expand your cultural knowledge. Another great opportunity is the possibility to take a year out to work or study abroad. Seeing these different opportunities, I was inspired to make the most of my course at WBS.
What sort of support have you received from the careers team?
The careers team has been extremely helpful and supportive in my WBS journey. In my first year, I had never written a CV or resume before, and these are both crucial documentation required by most employers. The careers team offered me helpful resources as I wrote these and reviewed them with me during their drop-in sessions. Through their help and support, I was able to apply for summer internships in my first year and managed to secure one in Leamington Spa. During my second year, they supported me by undertaking mock interviews. I also signed up for their mock assessment centre workshops, which were very helpful.
Have you taken part in any projects, internships or work experience so far while being a student at WBS?
In my first year, I found a summer internship through the Warwick Summer Internship (WSI) programme. During my internship, I was a marketing assistant and supported the company with creating its digital content and managing its social media presence and profiles. I was also able to work on unique projects like building a sponsorship package. I’m currently undertaking a work placement at Vodafone within their commercial stream. One of my tasks includes conducting market analysis for business development. My WBS modules have been helpful as they have provided me with the base knowledge required in these roles.
Are you a member of any SU clubs or societies?
I am a member of several different societies ranging from cultural societies like the Warwick Sikh Society to career-related societies like Warwick Women’s Careers Society. The benefits I’ve gained from them are firstly they are a great way to meet new people, especially in your first year. I have made great friends through joining different societies since it allows you to meet people who may not do the same course or be in the same year as you. Another benefit is it helped me push myself out of my comfort zone and build upon several skills by becoming an executive member within committees.
What do you aim to do once you graduate?
At the moment, I am still deciding but am keen on pursuing either consultancy or marketing. I have been passionate about marketing since I took Business Management in high school, and my passion and depth of knowledge have only grown. I was able to learn about consultancy through joining the Warwick Consulting Society and worked with a company for over a year supporting them on different projects. Furthermore, I have learnt more about the opportunities within these areas through attending talks by guest speakers through Warwick Women’s Careers Society.
Do you feel that your degree is preparing you for your next steps?
I believe my degree has supported me for my next steps as it has firstly supported me in understanding the areas in which my interest lie. There are several functional areas within a business and it is important to recognise the area which you enjoy most as it supports you with applying for graduate roles. My degree has also supported me to gain work experience by allowing me to take a year out to undertake a work placement. This has allowed me to strengthen my skills, knowledge and get a feel of corporate life.
What top tip would you give to prospective undergraduate students who are deciding if WBS is the right place for them?
Firstly, if possible, I would encourage you to visit the university during an open day, as it allows you to assess whether all the tick boxes you have as a prospective student are met and to view the facilities and environment yourself. Secondly, I would say if you’re having a tough time making a choice between universities write down your priorities and assess each of them against what you are looking for but before doing this make sure to do your research, whether that be reaching out to current students, looking through the university and WBS website or other sources.
What top tip would you give to a student who is about to start at WBS?
Make the most of the opportunities offered at WBS. WBS has a lot to offer including excellent career-related workshops. I would recommend doing this after the first month since it is as important to firstly adjust to the university lifestyle since the transition from school to university can be difficult.