Reasons to study the Global Online MBA at Warwick Business School

20 June 2023

Earning your MBA online offers not only an equal level of rigor compared to on-campus counterparts, but depending on your circumstances, it may even prove to be the better option. Here, our MBA participants highlight the main benefits of earning your MBA online.

All the flexibility you need to fit your studies around your life

Flexibility was one of the main requirements I was looking for when researching business schools and programme formats. The online MBA at Warwick Business School (WBS) stood out from other business schools in several ways.

The ability to ‘slow-down’ the pace of study or even pause the programme, gives students confidence that they can fully engage with and get the most value from the course. Extending is made simple, recognising that personal or professional circumstances can change unexpectedly over two years. 

Delivery combines online self-paced study supported by online teaching through live sessions, which are recorded, allowing candidates to catch up if needed. The inclusion of live sessions was a strong positive for me, as it addressed a concern I had about potentially feeling a sense of isolation and lack of interaction with the cohort. - Rayo Earls (2021-25)

Study at a highly ranked and internationally recognised business school

What attracted me to WBS was its track record and solid reputation: having its online MBA consistently ranked among the top online/part-time MBAs among other business schools. I did not want to do an MBA for the sake of doing it, I wanted a degree from a well-recognised institution. You can’t go wrong with WBS. Amazing campus, amazing faculty, outstanding reputation, very reasonable fees. What else can you ask for? - Ricardo Topham (2022 - 2026)

Gain international exposure with a diverse cohort

Both an academic and professional area of interest of mine has been in international business. I found that WBS has a distinctive edge over several American institutions in this area in relation to the MBA programme content. WBS possesses a global worldview, grounded in its British cultural lens, and has a unique international student body, afforded from the flexible distance learning environment. I have appreciated the perspective of classmates in Australia, India, Columbia, and continental Europe with group assignments and assessments, forum conversations, and WhatsApp chats. This has helped to widen my own understanding and business context on a global scale. - Corban Quiqq (2021 - 2023)

Enjoy a gently blended learning approach

I value the variety of the modules and the academics leading them, alongside the gently blended learning approach of a well-structured online platform with the in-person weeks twice a year, called Warwick Weeks. I’m massively valuing the diversity within the cohort and getting to genuinely create a global network of professional contacts. The first Warwick Week has been brilliant for meeting people in person who I have digitally interacted with previously, strengthening previously forming friendships and building many new ones. - Neil Perrins (2021 - 2023) 

Apply learnings to your work immediately

I’m now three modules into my MBA and I am applying what I have learned already – it’s seen results for my business with revenue up, diversity of clients up and my network has also expanded by over 20 countries thanks to meeting my cohort at The Shard in London recently. I cannot recommend applying enough - the process of learning and collaborating, my fabulous new network and increased knowledge is helping to build my business every day. - Katie Muldoon (2023 - 2025)