How Open Days Helped Me Narrow Down My University Choices

06 March 2024

BSc International Management student, Isabel Ko, explores how attending open days was the key to unlocking the perfect university match for her.

Choosing the right university is a pivotal decision that sets the stage for one's academic and personal journey. As a prospective student, this process can be overwhelming due to the numerous options and factors to consider. Fortunately, attending Open Days can be a game-changer in simplifying this decision-making process. In this blog post, I'll share my personal experience and insights on how the Open Days at the University of Warwick played a crucial role in helping me narrow down my university choices.

First Impressions Matter

The first impression on the campus is essential. The architecture, green spaces, and atmosphere immediately deliver a sense of what your academic journey could look like in the future. Besides, the welcoming staff and students you interact with also contribute to the overall impression of a university. As I am a nature lover, I was amazed by how the University of Warwick campus is surrounded by nature. It was very different from the city campus’ that I have visited, as it offers a retreat from the hustle of city life. The balance between modern architecture and natural surroundings was a major factor for me to apply for the University of Warwick. Therefore, visiting universities is a great way to find out the vibe you prefer.

Library Road in Autumn

Exploring Academic Programs

Open days allow you to explore the diverse range of programmes available. You get opportunities the hear numerous module talks hosted by module leaders, which provides an in-depth understanding on the course structure and requirements. For instance, I learnt about the conditions of taking a placement year and the choices available to complete my year abroad, as well as other course requirements. By gaining more details, you will be able to figure out if the course fits your expectations and if it aligns with your future goals.

Engaging with Staff and Student Helpers

After attending course specific talks, you can explore the campus and connect with staff and students. It is a unique opportunity to chat with people working and living in the university, so remember to prepare questions in-advance! Your questions could be ranging from teaching methodologies, research opportunities, and the overall academic environment. Or even non-academic questions such as, what to prepare when moving to a new environment.

Student Life and Extracurriculars

University life is not only about lectures and essays; it's a holistic experience where extracurricular activities are also important. Society booths, from sports clubs to cultural societies, shed light on the diverse student life. Conversations with current members allowed me to picture my potential involvement and recognise the balance between academic and social aspects of uni life.

Campus Facilities and ResourcesCampus in Spring

A university's facilities and student support play a vital role in shaping the overall learning experience. Open days offered a firsthand look at facilities, including libraries, laboratories, and recreational spaces. You can also get an overview of the student support available, linking to student’s mental health, study and career, which is influential to both learning and personal growth. Personally, I loved the modern design of WBS when I attended the open day!

In conclusion, attending open days significantly helped me in narrowing down my university choices. The firsthand exposure to campus, interactions with faculty members and students, and insights into academic and extracurricular offerings helped me to make an informed decision. For prospective students, I highly suggest seizing the opportunity to attend Open Days so that you can find a university that aligns with your goals and aspirations.





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